If a man dedicates to the Lord part of his family land, its value is to be set according to the amount of seed required for it-fifty shekels of silver to a homer of barley seed. 人若将承受为业的几分地分别为圣,归给耶和华,你要按这地撒种多少估定价值.若撒大麦一贺梅珥,要估价五十舍客勒。
That might look like pawning the family silver on the cheap. 这或许看上去像是廉价典卖了家当。
Those who can do so supplement their pensions by part-time work or selling off the family silver. 可以做到这些的退休人员会通过兼职工作或出售家里的银器补充其养老金。
It is healthy that crystal bores the careful family who take good care of you and you of serial floor, there are the antibacterial compositions of silver ion alone, kill bacteria effectively, provide safeguard for your family life. 金钻系列地板细心呵护您和您的家人健康,独有银离子抗菌成份,有效杀灭细菌,为您的家居生活提供保障。
I have plates with family crests, unworn signet rings and little-used silver with my wife's family's monogram, all zealously guarded. 我有印着家徽的盘子,未磨损的图章戒指以及很少使用的带有我妻子家人字母组合的银具,所有的东西都被疯狂地加了印。
The thief helped himself to our family silver. 小偷窃取了我家的银子。
Sell the family silver to pay one's debts. 卖掉祖传的银器还债。
Pray for Guizhou spoor, whose hardships are described in the proverb: Not three feet of flat land, not three days without rain, not a family with three grams of silver. 为贵州的穷困居民祷告。有一句谚语描写他们的状况十分贴切:地无三尺平,天无三日晴,人无三分银。
Michael London, who specialises in making family dramas, and Joel Silver, who is notably good at blowing things up, are among the recent recipients of such largesse. 专擅于拍摄家庭剧的麦克·伦敦战较着擅擅于拍摄爆炸场景的乔·西我沃便是比去接管如此慷慨援助的人。
This year it hawked the family silver: the sale of Barclays global investors will lift its core tier one capital ratio to 8.8 per cent. 今年,它变卖了传家之宝:出售巴克莱全球投资者(barclaysglobalinvestors,简称bgi)将使其核心一级资本比率升至8.8%。
There were several people at the party whom we had not invited, and after the dust had settled we found that the family silver had been stolen. 晚会上来了几个不速之客。待混乱状况结束时,我们发现家里的银具被盗了。
The Rothschild family first came to China in the 1830s, and ran a small business trading gold and silver out of Shanghai. 罗斯柴尔德家族最初是在19世纪30年代来到中国,经营一家从上海向海外输出金银的小公司。
For some, Britain is selling the family silver. 有人认为,英国是在出售传家宝。
The first known instances of nail care date back to China in3000 BC when members of the royal family used a mixture of silver, gold, egg whites, and beeswax to color and protect their nails. 最早为人所知的指甲护理可追溯至公元前三千年的中国,当时皇族成员混合金、银、蛋白和蜂蜡来为指甲上色并保护指甲。
Mother made me scour the family silver. 妈妈让我把家里的银器都擦亮。
In fact, I can now announce, because not much family silver. 其实我现在就可以公布,因为没有多少家当。
It is hard to imagine that a superpower needs to sell the family silver to stay solvent. 很难想象,一个超级大国为了避免破产,竟然需要变卖家产。
Howqua's family accepted payment only in silver; 伍秉鉴家只接受白银的付款;
I am grateful for family and friends who would give their silver heart for the blessing bowl. 我为把他们的银心挂饰之类的东西放进祝福碗里的亲人和朋友们而感恩。
Meanwhile, associated Pt family element, gold and silver all are recovered comprehensively. 同时伴生贵金属铂族元素和金银等均得到综合回收。
DNA from the family members was assayed by PCR and the amplified fragment length polymorphism by silver staining method. 基因分析,抽提家系成员的DNA,进行PCR扩增,扩增片段长度多态性的检测采用银染色法。
Historically, the civilian population from the royal family to rich, for the production and use of silver is extremely popular and widespread, but confined to feudal and class level, as very few ethnic Miao Silver as the ultimate development. 历史上,从皇族贵胄到平民富豪,对于银饰的制作和使用都极为盛行和普遍,但限于封建思想和阶级等级,少有民族能像苗族那样将银饰发展到极致。
XRD characterization showed that both of iron family promoters and alkaline earth promoters could disperse silver, which were the structure promoters. 通过XRD表征发现,铁系助剂和碱土助剂都能分散活性组分银,起到结构型助剂的作用。